Engineering Technology

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Engineering Technology

Mr. Matt Freeman- Teacher
Mr. Luke Fetterolf-Teacher
Mr. Clint Shjpley-Teacher

This program prepares individuals to apply knowledge and skills in the engineering field. Instruction includes, but is not limited to, safety, ethics, power, problem solving, teamwork, engineering graphics, automated systems, fundamental electronics and manufacturing systems as well as adhering to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative. Courses marked with PLTW are part of the Project Lead the Way program for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

The Engineering Technologies courses are full year courses open to students in grades 9-12. All courses emphasize an outcome-based philosophy, providing students with hands-on experiences while offering valuable preparation for post-secondary opportunities in engineering related career fields. Instruction focuses on the emerging technologies found in business and industry. Some courses may have project fee ($10-$20) for students who want to keep their course projects.

OSHA Career Safe

related files

Engineering Technology Program Overview

Engineering Technology PDE Approved Task List

Engineering Technology Course Descriptions and Scope & Sequence