Bellaire Elementary School
Vision Statement
Bellaire Students: Starting their journey to become lifelong learners!
Belief Statements
1. For our students to become life long learners, we believe that all students have the ability to strive to meet or exceed Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards.
2. For our students to become life long learners, we believe that all students, school adults, parents of our students, and the community share responsibility to encourage Bellaire students to give their best effort in school.
3. For our students to become life long learners, we believe that all students deserve a safe, nurturing, caring learning environment where students, adults, and parents, treat others as they, themselves, would wish to be treated.
4. For our students to become life long learners, we believe that all students should have the opportunity to help others in their daily living and through school projects to fundraise and/or to donate needed items.
5. For our students to become life long learners, we believe that all students should learn to make healthy choices concerning nutrition, fitness, hygiene, and behavior.
6. For our students to become life long learners, we believe
that all students should be aware of their responsibility for the protection & preservation of the world in which they live.
Mission Statement
All of our students can become life long learners when school adults, parents of our students, and the community work together to provide the appropriate support and resources to create a school environment where students can academically succeed. In addition to achieving academically, we want our students to make choices to maintain healthy living. We want our students to treat others respectfully and to volunteer to help individuals in our school, local community, state, and world. We will encourage our students to demonstrate environmental responsibility for our world. Our goal is to teach Bellaire students the life lessons that will enrich their lives as students and adults.