Addison Brunner, Brian Chiappetta, Mia Keglovitz, and Amya Lane shared their experiences as part of the Kiwanis K-Kids Club from Bellaire Elementary School. The group of fourth graders led service-projects throughout the community in various activities, such as:
- Helping the Carlisle Kiwanis Club create and distribute community thank-you cards
- Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army
- Collecting hats and clothes for Carlisle CARES
- Collecting books for Carlisle CARES
- Handing out programs at Bellaire Elementary School concerts
- Organizing a school-wide fun run
The students commented on their interest and commitment to helping others in the community.
Bellaire Principal Jeff Bell is the club's facilitator and introduced the presenters at the Board's Extra-Curricular Committee meeting.
Thank you Bellaire K-Kids for all of your hard work!